Who Are We?

Mariah & Jeff

We're just a couple 40 somethings that have been through some shit in our lives and we want to share that wisdom with you through our lens. We manifested each other so we could do the work together. We believe in connection over attraction - and explosive attraction was created. We're not here to teach or coach, just to support and share what has meaning to us and perhaps it will have a positive impact on you as well.

Our best ideas on how to support as many people as we could was to make things that connect people on their journeys. Sometimes that means connecting them to themselves, and sometimes it means connecting them to others. Just know you are not alone, all around the planet there are others feeling similarly to however you are feeling right now and we know that you can overcome yourself, no matter where your starting point is.

There are many ways to transform, whether your motivation is to heal or just to escalate your consciousness, we believe everyone's path is your own personal recipe of different modalities mixed and matched on a path of your choosing, no one else knows what is right for you, but you, and the only way for you to know is jump in and start trying stuff out.

Mission & Vision

It's our mission to be models for the world to have better and happier lives. As amazing as the world has become with technology and the dissemination of information, it has also come with a lot of information pollution, anxiety, depression, and too many to count devices that chip away at individual self-worth. We can be propping each other up instead of cutting each other down.

Our vision is to make healing and transformation cool so that it becomes a desire for people to get out of their own way, find love for themselves and live in a society that feels safe

Meet The Team

So far it's just us... hopefully soon, we'll see some more smiling faces here

Mariah Brown


Restaurateur | Hawaiian | Quantum Meditator | Foodie | Fashionista | Explorer

Jeff Siegel


Pilot | Plane Crash Survivor | Quantum Meditator | Spikeballer | Technologist | Woodworker | Adventurer | Foodie

Kai The Cat


Also known by our new favorite nick-name "Boo Boo", Kai is a spiritual cat who inspires us to share our wisdom

Our Heroes

Here's some folks that just inspire us to be the people we are today

Dr Joe Dispenza


Because of quotes like this one: "We are all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. There’s always a door and that’s how we evolve."

Abraham Hicks


For quotes like this: “Look for good things about where you are, and in your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations – and all limitations are self-imposed – and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.”

Tony Robbins


For quotes like this: "Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process."

Mr Rogers


For quotes like this: “The world needs a sense of worth, and it will achieve it only by its people feeling that they are worthwhile.”

Bob Ross


For quotes like this: “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.” and “There’s nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.”

Dolly Parton


For quotes like this: "I'm kind of addicted to the feeling of giving...Knowing that I'm doing something good for someone else."